A Filipino Christmas Celebration
DATE: December 13, 2008 11AM-8PM, an Indoor
EventADMISSION: FREE Parking $6-$1 will go towards
ADDRESS:Solano Fairgrounds
900 Fairgrounds Drive Vallejo, CA 94589
"Pasko Expo" is an event where Filipinos, and actually people of all ethnicities, can come together to celebrate the merriest time of the year….Christmas!In the Philippines, Christmas is the most anticipated holiday of the year. With various town fiestas and parties, people gather from near and far to celebrate with friends and reunite with family.
This year you will not have to miss out on any of the Christmas festivities from back home. "Pasko Expo" is here! This soon-to-be yearly celebration will have holiday lights and decorations, local and international entertainment, delicious traditional food, and much more!The First Annual "Pasko Expo" will be held in Solano Fairgrounds, Vallejo, California.
According to the New York Times, Vallejo ranks on top as the most diverse city in the United States. By holding "Pasko Expo" in such a diverse community, we will bring the love, warmth, and spirit of the Christmas in the Philippines to you, to all Filipinos, and to everyone here in America.We, at "Pasko Expo", would like to invite you, your family, and friends to be part of this fun-filled celebration. 2008 marks our inaugural year, but with your participation and support, we all can make this an annual event to enjoy and to remember, not only for this year, but for every year from now on.
Let's celebrate Christmas the way it's done in the Philippines.A WORD FROM DAVE: I have always like selling at the Filipino Events, but the $300 booth fee for ONE DAY is a bit much to swallow. The first year for this...uh uh. The fee is reasonable for a two-day event, but you must also consider probable adverse weather conditions and the refusal of visitors to spend their money. However, there is no entrance fee for the visitors and that makes for a great (inexpensive) time for them. Should be enjoyable.