54th Annual Whiskey Flat Days, Kernville, CA. Feb 13-16, 2009. website and vendor application info. One of the most popular Festivals in all of Southern California. A short 3 hour drive from Los Angeles to the Lake Isabella recreation area and the quaint town of Kernville (50 miles east of Bakersfield on Hwy 178). Whiskey Flat is a leap back to the good ol' wild west days when the area was settled by gold miners, cattle ranchers and trappers. Join us when Kernville reverts to its old name "Whiskey Flat" for four nostalgic days of fun for the entire family. I quoted this from their website.
This event is not listed in Craftmaster's yet. I guess that they get around 50,000 visitors for the event. They have a really nice parade and other festivities. Great show if you can survive the drive through the Kern River Valley and if you can find an inexpensive motel room. Lots of curves. It snowed here 4 years ago and they often do get some rain, but not much. Kind of cold in he morning.
Please check my review of this past year's Whiskey Flat Days. Quite a large number of vendors do this event. They come from L.A., Bay Area, Modesto area, Sacramento and other places. Good crowds.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tyson Wells Sell a Rama
Haven't been able to enter any shows for here. We are currently selling at the Tyson Wells Sell a Rama in Arizona. Please be sure to read our daily log to see what's going on there:
Monday, January 12, 2009
Heading to Tyson Wells
We will be at the Tyson Wells Sell-a-Rama from January 14-25 in space X-19 and at the Arts and Crafts Fair from Jan 28-Feb 14 in space PQ-3. Stop by and see us. This event is huge with over 900 vendors selling anything and everything. The show is visited by many snowbirds who come down in their RV's escaping the cold, damp, snowy, miserable weather.
Anyway, I probably will not be entering very many events on this website until I return home in mid-February. Internet access is difficult there and will not be on-line very much, mostly to just check my email. We are gaining new readers of this blog every day and I hope that everybody is enjoying reading about upcoming events, etc. You might want to check out Western Artists and Vendors where I cover many topics mostly pertaining to vendors and life on the road, etc.
Starving Vendors is another website and is gaining in popularity also. I have many reviews of shows that we have done and a lot more information. There are people who spend hours at a time just scouring over the website, as there is quite a bit to read and there are parts that are very entertaining. I will try to update the Tyson Wells Sell-a-Rama 2009 page and keep a running tab on what's happening over there in the Quartzsite area. There are several popular pages on the website, with the most popular being European Festivals. You might want to check out Your Daily Dose, which often tells about new pages, shows and life, in general. If you need a good laugh or two, then The Funny Farm might tickle your fancy.
If you are interested in shell necklaces, wrap-around skirts, shoulder bags, you might enjoy a visit to our main website, DandL CREATIONS. You won't be able to order anything though until we come back, as I have disabled payment methods because we can't ship until we get home.
Anyway, I probably will not be entering very many events on this website until I return home in mid-February. Internet access is difficult there and will not be on-line very much, mostly to just check my email. We are gaining new readers of this blog every day and I hope that everybody is enjoying reading about upcoming events, etc. You might want to check out Western Artists and Vendors where I cover many topics mostly pertaining to vendors and life on the road, etc.
Starving Vendors is another website and is gaining in popularity also. I have many reviews of shows that we have done and a lot more information. There are people who spend hours at a time just scouring over the website, as there is quite a bit to read and there are parts that are very entertaining. I will try to update the Tyson Wells Sell-a-Rama 2009 page and keep a running tab on what's happening over there in the Quartzsite area. There are several popular pages on the website, with the most popular being European Festivals. You might want to check out Your Daily Dose, which often tells about new pages, shows and life, in general. If you need a good laugh or two, then The Funny Farm might tickle your fancy.
If you are interested in shell necklaces, wrap-around skirts, shoulder bags, you might enjoy a visit to our main website, DandL CREATIONS. You won't be able to order anything though until we come back, as I have disabled payment methods because we can't ship until we get home.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Fantasy Fest - Key West, FL
FANTASY FEST, Key West, FL. October 23-November 1, 2009
Traditionally October has been a slow time for tourism in the Keys, but since its inception, Fantasy Fest® has continually boosted the economy by filling up hotel rooms and inundating local businesses, restaurants, and bars during this time period. The tremendous influx of visitors during the ten days of the festival sustains the local economy until the holiday season begins. Fantasy Fest is committed to extending the time that visitors stay by encouraging the creation of diverse events throughout the entire ten days. The opportunity to show off the imaginative and resourceful spirit that defines the Keys excites participants as well as the thousands that are drawn to the Keys.
Traditionally October has been a slow time for tourism in the Keys, but since its inception, Fantasy Fest® has continually boosted the economy by filling up hotel rooms and inundating local businesses, restaurants, and bars during this time period. The tremendous influx of visitors during the ten days of the festival sustains the local economy until the holiday season begins. Fantasy Fest is committed to extending the time that visitors stay by encouraging the creation of diverse events throughout the entire ten days. The opportunity to show off the imaginative and resourceful spirit that defines the Keys excites participants as well as the thousands that are drawn to the Keys.
World Buskers Festival

Organised pandemonium takes over Christchurch, New Zealand, as each January locals and visitors of all ages flock to open-air city malls, the city’s cultural precinct, and out to the seaside suburb of New Brighton to witness the world’s very best busker talent: the World Buskers Festival. Belly laughs, amazement, admiration, and surprise fill their lives for ten days every summer.
This is when artists, from countries as diverse as Portugal, UK, Japan, Australia, Italy, the USA wing their way to Christchurch, the largest city in the South Island, to provide over four-hundred free shows – although, as it’s their livelihood, optional donations are always welcome.
"The festival’s reputation for excellence and our great locations here in the heart of Christchurch’s cultural and heritage precinct are big drawcards for both international and domestic visitors, as well as for local residents, and it has become an icon event for the city" festival director Jodi Wright tells me. Such is the reputation of this event that, sitting in her office under the old university observatory, Jodi is inundated with pleas for an invitation from buskers around the world.
Friday, January 9, 2009
40th Annual Texas Rice Festival
Texas Rice Festival Vendor Application
Bar-B-Que Weekend September 25th & 26th
2009 Festival Dates Sep 30-Oct 4
The Texas Rice Festival is an annual harvest celebration held the first weekend of October honoring rice farming, which is a major economic activity in the region of Southeast Texas around the town of Winnie, Texas. The first Texas Rice Festival was held in downtown Winnie in 1969. The event is now a week-long event held in Winnie-Stowell park which has a permanent grandstand which was built for the event.
The festival includes a carnival, parades, livestock show, open horse show, BBQ cook off, nightly street dances, antique car show, cooking contest, pageants, karaoke, and features food made with rice and featuring the flavors of the Cajun culture which is strong in the area. Typical fare includes rice balls, gumbo, ettouffe, pistolettes, blooming onions, crab balls, boudain balls, funnell cakes and many other delicacies. The event is renowned for its outstanding cuisine.
Bar-B-Que Weekend September 25th & 26th
2009 Festival Dates Sep 30-Oct 4
The Texas Rice Festival is an annual harvest celebration held the first weekend of October honoring rice farming, which is a major economic activity in the region of Southeast Texas around the town of Winnie, Texas. The first Texas Rice Festival was held in downtown Winnie in 1969. The event is now a week-long event held in Winnie-Stowell park which has a permanent grandstand which was built for the event.
The festival includes a carnival, parades, livestock show, open horse show, BBQ cook off, nightly street dances, antique car show, cooking contest, pageants, karaoke, and features food made with rice and featuring the flavors of the Cajun culture which is strong in the area. Typical fare includes rice balls, gumbo, ettouffe, pistolettes, blooming onions, crab balls, boudain balls, funnell cakes and many other delicacies. The event is renowned for its outstanding cuisine.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Cloud's Jamboree
This event runs from Jan 1-31 and is held at the Avi Casino, near Laughlin, NV. Free! Open to the Public. Outdoor show 9am to dusk Jan. 1 -31 Indoor show 10am - 6pm Jan 9 - 18
Cloud's Jamboree Website
vendor info: http://www.cloudsjamboree.com/res-form_outdoor.htm
I guess that this event is gaining in popularity since settling down here 7-8 years ago after leaving Quartzsite. I have not found very much info on this event, but do know that spaces are $400, but I do not know how large they are, etc. They have rooms over at the Avi Casino for $30 per night, but that's a lot to shell out for a month there. I guess that RV'v park in the Camping Area next door or you might be able to get selling spaces where you can bring your RV. I drove past this event a couple years ago and spaces looked kind of large and spread out.
I've visited Laughlin many times visiting several of the 7-8 casinos there. The Avi Casino is located several miles from there. Buffets are nothing to speak of, as the ones in Las Vegas have the ones in Laughlin beat (Bellagio, Paris, Mandalay Bay, Mirage, etc.) Every time I have visited the Laughlin area, I have experienced very strong, sustaining winds and I am not talking about itty-bitty breezes either. They get pretty strong and blow stuff all over the place.
This event runs from Jan 1-31 and is held at the Avi Casino, near Laughlin, NV. Free! Open to the Public. Outdoor show 9am to dusk Jan. 1 -31 Indoor show 10am - 6pm Jan 9 - 18
Cloud's Jamboree Website
vendor info: http://www.cloudsjamboree.com/res-form_outdoor.htm
I guess that this event is gaining in popularity since settling down here 7-8 years ago after leaving Quartzsite. I have not found very much info on this event, but do know that spaces are $400, but I do not know how large they are, etc. They have rooms over at the Avi Casino for $30 per night, but that's a lot to shell out for a month there. I guess that RV'v park in the Camping Area next door or you might be able to get selling spaces where you can bring your RV. I drove past this event a couple years ago and spaces looked kind of large and spread out.
I've visited Laughlin many times visiting several of the 7-8 casinos there. The Avi Casino is located several miles from there. Buffets are nothing to speak of, as the ones in Las Vegas have the ones in Laughlin beat (Bellagio, Paris, Mandalay Bay, Mirage, etc.) Every time I have visited the Laughlin area, I have experienced very strong, sustaining winds and I am not talking about itty-bitty breezes either. They get pretty strong and blow stuff all over the place.
Makers of Small Toys - Arts & Crafts - HR4040
PLEASE HELP THESE PEOPLE AND VOTE AGAINST IT and if possible, contact your Congressman/woman. You may no longer be able to buy lovely hand-made toys and children's clothing at your favorite A&C Festivals and Events. PLEASE HELP THIS PEOPLE. Just take a few minutes.
Toy makers may win lead-testing exemptionRules on lead threatened to hurt those who create handcrafted items Dec. 24, 2008, 8:14PM SAN FRANCISCO — The makers of handcrafted toys received some holiday hope Wednesday with support from a federal agency for proposed exemptions from strict lead-testing regulations they feared could put them out of business.
Last year's discovery of lead paint in mass-market toys prompted the government to pass new safety rules requiring testing and labeling that mom-and-pop workshops and retailers said they could not afford.As a February deadline for complying with the law loomed, toy makers who use materials such as unfinished wood, organic cotton and beeswax sought exemptions from the rules.In a memo released Wednesday, Consumer Product Safety Commission staffers recommended that the agency exempt some natural materials from the lead testing requirements continue this story but please come back and read the rest of this important blog entry.
Here is more info on HR4040.For more information on this please check
http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h110-4040 This is about the HR4040 bill that was passed in December.Here is what somebody wrote on their blog.
The following are from a couple fellow 'crafters' and is quite interesting to read.http://pinaforesandknickerbockers.blogspot.com/2008/12/disturbing-law.html
Help Save Handmade Toys in the USA from the CPSIA - Hand-made Toy Alliance. http://sites.google.com/site/handmadetoyalliance/ You can vote here or get info on contacting Congress about this matter.
Save Handmade Toys From the CPSIA http://www.change.org/ideas/view/save_handmade_toys_from_the_cpsia
I can see a lot of people will be taking an interest in the toy issue as it involves the crafters. There are a number of people out there who make children's clothing for a living and sell at various events. Also affected could be the makers of children's toys or the vendors that import toys from China or anyplace else. Sounds like big problems for some vendors and if I were in their shoes, I would be mighty worried right now. As if the vendors don't have expenses already, they could possibly have to pay around $85 per test. I'll bet that the company that produces testing products is going to make a lot of money out of this and it would not surprise me if they put money in our Congressman's/woman's pockets.
PLEASE HELP THESE PEOPLE AND VOTE AGAINST IT and if possible, contact your Congressman/woman. You may no longer be able to buy lovely hand-made toys and children's clothing at your favorite A&C Festivals and Events. PLEASE HELP THIS PEOPLE. Just take a few minutes.
Toy makers may win lead-testing exemptionRules on lead threatened to hurt those who create handcrafted items Dec. 24, 2008, 8:14PM SAN FRANCISCO — The makers of handcrafted toys received some holiday hope Wednesday with support from a federal agency for proposed exemptions from strict lead-testing regulations they feared could put them out of business.
Last year's discovery of lead paint in mass-market toys prompted the government to pass new safety rules requiring testing and labeling that mom-and-pop workshops and retailers said they could not afford.As a February deadline for complying with the law loomed, toy makers who use materials such as unfinished wood, organic cotton and beeswax sought exemptions from the rules.In a memo released Wednesday, Consumer Product Safety Commission staffers recommended that the agency exempt some natural materials from the lead testing requirements continue this story but please come back and read the rest of this important blog entry.
Here is more info on HR4040.For more information on this please check
http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h110-4040 This is about the HR4040 bill that was passed in December.Here is what somebody wrote on their blog.
The following are from a couple fellow 'crafters' and is quite interesting to read.http://pinaforesandknickerbockers.blogspot.com/2008/12/disturbing-law.html
Help Save Handmade Toys in the USA from the CPSIA - Hand-made Toy Alliance. http://sites.google.com/site/handmadetoyalliance/ You can vote here or get info on contacting Congress about this matter.
Save Handmade Toys From the CPSIA http://www.change.org/ideas/view/save_handmade_toys_from_the_cpsia
I can see a lot of people will be taking an interest in the toy issue as it involves the crafters. There are a number of people out there who make children's clothing for a living and sell at various events. Also affected could be the makers of children's toys or the vendors that import toys from China or anyplace else. Sounds like big problems for some vendors and if I were in their shoes, I would be mighty worried right now. As if the vendors don't have expenses already, they could possibly have to pay around $85 per test. I'll bet that the company that produces testing products is going to make a lot of money out of this and it would not surprise me if they put money in our Congressman's/woman's pockets.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Maker Faire - San Mateo, CA

more photos-flickr
'The Maker Faire is all about making things, like a better mousetrap, or at least a life size version of the legendary Mousetrap board game, complete with bathtub and crazy stairs. The only difference with our game is that we have taken the trap that comes down and lands on the mouse and replaced [it] with a two-ton bank safe that we crush things with. We crush things like cars and motorcycles,' said Mark Perez, mousetrap maker."
Build, CRAFT, hack, play, MAKE.
Arts • Crafts • Engineering • Food • Green • Music • Science • Technology
LEARN TO MAKE, CRAFT, DESIGN OR DEVELOP:• Robots • Rockets • Bicycles • Alternative Energy Devices • Electronics • Crafts• Circuit Boards • Sustainable Food • Musical Instruments • Wood Working• Knitting • Eco Modding Cars • Kites • Special Effects • Sewing • and more...
Maker Faire is a two-day, family-friendly event that celebrates the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mindset. It's for creative, resourceful people of all ages and backgrounds who like to tinker and love to make things. So much to see, you will need 2 days to see it all!
Great Arizona Beer Festival
Event hours are 2 pm to 6 pm daily. Tempe Beach Park is located at the corner of Mill Avenue and Rio Salado Parkway in Tempe, AZ. For more information: http://www.azbeer.com/ or call 480-774-8300. No pets. No firearms. No one under 21 will be admitted. You must have valid photo-ID to enter. No refunds, all sales are final. Event is held rain or shine. Persons who appear to be intoxicated will be assisted out of the festival
Tickets are now on sale for the 21st Annual Great Arizona Beer Festival that will be held Saturday and Sunday March 7 and 8, 2009 at Tempe Beach Park. Rick Scott, chairman of the event says, “Now would be a good time to buy tickets for a Holiday stocking-stuffer while also doing something good for charity.” Unlike other beer tasting events, one-hundred percent of proceeds benefits Sun Sounds of Arizona, a reading service for people who are blind or whose disability prevents them from reading printed material. (http://sunsounds.org/)
The Festival features tastes of more than 100 specialty and micro brewed beers, live music, games and fun for people age 21 and over. Entertainment will be provided by two great bands, the Crown Kings and Mystic Blue. The all-inclusive admission price is the same as last year, $40 in advance for general admission and $50 at the gate. VIP tickets are $80 in advance and $90 at the gate. (VIP tickets are limited to 500 per day.) General admission and VIP tickets include entrance to the event, a souvenir tasting mug, 24 sampling tickets and enjoyment of live music on stage. In addition, VIP tickets include entry to the “VIP Experience” a private VIP seating area with catered food, shade, separate restrooms, early one hour admittance, an event tee shirt and a gift bag.
Lichfield Winter Beer and Wine Festival
Noon-11.00pm each dayTickets £1.00 before 5.30pmFriday £2.00 after 5.30pm hfSaturday £2.50 after 5.30pm This very popular community festival returns to its favourite 'watering hole' - the magnificent Guildhall.
Enjoy over 35 real ales from local Midland brewers and draught beers from Germany and Belgium. There will also be a wide range of traditional ciders and over twenty wines from Staffordshire to South Africa. Not forgetting light snacks and the 'Famous Pork Pies'.
You will be entertained on Saturday night by the wonderful Si Genaro who plays storming harmonica and guitar, with fine songs to sing along to. If that's not enough he has a wacky sense of humour!

Enjoy over 35 real ales from local Midland brewers and draught beers from Germany and Belgium. There will also be a wide range of traditional ciders and over twenty wines from Staffordshire to South Africa. Not forgetting light snacks and the 'Famous Pork Pies'.
You will be entertained on Saturday night by the wonderful Si Genaro who plays storming harmonica and guitar, with fine songs to sing along to. If that's not enough he has a wacky sense of humour!

The 19th Battersea Beer Festival
How about a beer festival in London. February 11-13, 2009. I liked the flyer, so I decided to post it. The 19th Battersea Beer Festival will be held from Wednesday 11 to Friday 13 February 2009 at the usual venue, Battersea Arts Centre (BAC). The venue is less than eight minutes walk from Clapham Junction station and buses 77, 87, 156, 345 & G1 stop right outside the BAC.
Opening times are 12.00 - 23.00 each day. Admission is £2 before 17.00 and £3 thereafter with a £1 reduction for CAMRA members at all times.
Over 160 Real Ales from across Britain will be available over the course of the festival, along with foreign beers, ciders and perries in the Lower Hall. Click to download a pdf file of the Provisional Beer List (56KB). Traditional Polish and other food will be available in the servery at all sessions from Kam our excellent caterer. More info
Opening times are 12.00 - 23.00 each day. Admission is £2 before 17.00 and £3 thereafter with a £1 reduction for CAMRA members at all times.
Over 160 Real Ales from across Britain will be available over the course of the festival, along with foreign beers, ciders and perries in the Lower Hall. Click to download a pdf file of the Provisional Beer List (56KB). Traditional Polish and other food will be available in the servery at all sessions from Kam our excellent caterer. More info

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Starving Vendors - Page One! Features

Please visit Page One, the newest feature of our Starving Vendors website. Read the top headlines and stories relating to vendors, artists, issues, etc. along with appropiate links. Around the corner, around the world, around the clock, we bring you the important stuff you need to read.
We have loads of reviews from festivals that we have done along with relevant information for vendors. crafters, artists, etc.
Pages of event listings include European and Philippine Festivals, Flea Markets, etc,
Sacramento Jazz Jubilee/Festival
36th Annual Sacramento Jazz Jubilee/Festival, Memorial Day Weekend, May 22-25, 2009. Several venues in Old Sacramento and the Convention Center.
The 2009 Sacramento Jazz Festival kicks off with a concert by the world-famous Count Basie Orchestra on Thursday evening, May 21st at the Radisson Hotel. The Count Basie Orchestra of today consists of 18 musicians who make this American Institution swing as powerfully as it ever has. The Basie orchestra has won every respected jazz poll in the world at least once, is in demand for world tours and recordings, and continues to accumulate awards and special recognition.
Featured Bands: Tom Rigney and Flambeau Cornet Chop Suey Mumbo Gumbo
Bill Allred's Classic Jazz Band Royal Society Jazz Orchestra Zydeco Flames
Mick Martin´s Blues Rockers BED
And 600 other performances
The 2009 Sacramento Jazz Festival kicks off with a concert by the world-famous Count Basie Orchestra on Thursday evening, May 21st at the Radisson Hotel. The Count Basie Orchestra of today consists of 18 musicians who make this American Institution swing as powerfully as it ever has. The Basie orchestra has won every respected jazz poll in the world at least once, is in demand for world tours and recordings, and continues to accumulate awards and special recognition.
Featured Bands: Tom Rigney and Flambeau Cornet Chop Suey Mumbo Gumbo
Bill Allred's Classic Jazz Band Royal Society Jazz Orchestra Zydeco Flames
Mick Martin´s Blues Rockers BED
And 600 other performances
March 15-18 Las Vegas, NV
Welcome to ASD/AMD - your premier source for merchandise and industry news. Vendor/Exhibitor Info
Variety Merchandise Show Sands Expo Center & Las Vegas Convention Center - The nation's largest merchandise show featuring products at all price points and categories. Our specialized floor sections will assist you in finding the products you need more quickly and easily. With so many new sources and products to choose from, you will easily navigate your way to the most profitable merchandise mix for your retail needs.
Gift Show Sands Expo Center -- The ASD/AMD Las Vegas Gift Show is the largest national gift show in the West. As a component of the three-in-one ASD/AMD Trade Show Las Vegas, this show lets you source products in the powerfully competitive center--the price range that appeals to the largest number of number of consumers--from leading vendors offering great merchandise at unbeatable prices.
Jewelry Show The ASD/AMD Las Vegas Jewelry Show at the Mirage Events Center & Grand Ballroom is known for its unique roster of exhibitors. Traditional jewelry show wholesalers and exclusive wholesalers and suppliers that only exhibit at ASD/AMD Las Vegas. More than 350 companies in 700 exhibits provide the broadest possible selection of wholesale fine and fashion jewelry at single show. Providing you even greater flexibility with the immediate delivery option on select items.
Welcome to ASD/AMD - your premier source for merchandise and industry news. Vendor/Exhibitor Info
Variety Merchandise Show Sands Expo Center & Las Vegas Convention Center - The nation's largest merchandise show featuring products at all price points and categories. Our specialized floor sections will assist you in finding the products you need more quickly and easily. With so many new sources and products to choose from, you will easily navigate your way to the most profitable merchandise mix for your retail needs.
Gift Show Sands Expo Center -- The ASD/AMD Las Vegas Gift Show is the largest national gift show in the West. As a component of the three-in-one ASD/AMD Trade Show Las Vegas, this show lets you source products in the powerfully competitive center--the price range that appeals to the largest number of number of consumers--from leading vendors offering great merchandise at unbeatable prices.
Jewelry Show The ASD/AMD Las Vegas Jewelry Show at the Mirage Events Center & Grand Ballroom is known for its unique roster of exhibitors. Traditional jewelry show wholesalers and exclusive wholesalers and suppliers that only exhibit at ASD/AMD Las Vegas. More than 350 companies in 700 exhibits provide the broadest possible selection of wholesale fine and fashion jewelry at single show. Providing you even greater flexibility with the immediate delivery option on select items.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Movie Festivals and Events Worldwide
I just found quite a number of listings for Movie/Film Festivals that I think some people would enjoy browsing through. Here's the ones for January, 2009:
January 8-19 Palm Springs International Film Festival (Palm Springs, California, USA)
January 9-11 Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival (Nevada City, California, USA)
January 10 Taos Shortz Film Fest (Taos, New Mexico, USA)
January 14-19 The New York Jewish Film Festival (New York, New York, USA)
January 14-25 Atlanta Jewish Film Festival (Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
January 15-25 Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah, USA)
January 16-18 Bourne to Die Horror Film Festival (Christchurch, Dorset, UK)
January 16-18 San Joaquin Children's Film Festival (Stockton, California, USA)
January 16-18 Trail Dance Film Festival (Duncan, Oklahoma, USA)
January 17-18 Honolulu Film Festival (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA)
January 21-23 Zombieshortfest International Zombie Short Film Festival (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
January 23-24 Bellows Falls Film Fest (Bellows Falls, Vermont, USA)
January 24-25 Canada International Film Festival (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
January 30-February 7 Clermont-Ferrand Short-Film Festival (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
January 30-February 8 Victoria Film Festival (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
I just found quite a number of listings for Movie/Film Festivals that I think some people would enjoy browsing through. Here's the ones for January, 2009:
January 8-19 Palm Springs International Film Festival (Palm Springs, California, USA)
January 9-11 Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival (Nevada City, California, USA)
January 10 Taos Shortz Film Fest (Taos, New Mexico, USA)
January 14-19 The New York Jewish Film Festival (New York, New York, USA)
January 14-25 Atlanta Jewish Film Festival (Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
January 15-25 Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah, USA)
January 16-18 Bourne to Die Horror Film Festival (Christchurch, Dorset, UK)
January 16-18 San Joaquin Children's Film Festival (Stockton, California, USA)
January 16-18 Trail Dance Film Festival (Duncan, Oklahoma, USA)
January 17-18 Honolulu Film Festival (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA)
January 21-23 Zombieshortfest International Zombie Short Film Festival (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
January 23-24 Bellows Falls Film Fest (Bellows Falls, Vermont, USA)
January 24-25 Canada International Film Festival (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
January 30-February 7 Clermont-Ferrand Short-Film Festival (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
January 30-February 8 Victoria Film Festival (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Tucson Gem, Mineral Shows, etc,. 2009
AKS Gem Shows - Howard JohnsonWhat: Jewelry, silver, minerals, gemstones, lapidary, metaphysical objects/art, beads Jan. 31-Feb. 14, 2009 Howard Johnson — I-10 & Starr Pass Blvd.; 1010 S. Freeway Ave.; (520) 622-5871.
American Gem Trade Association (AGTA)What: Primarily high-end loose colored gemstones and pearls, with some finished jewelry; designer jewelry section; colored diamond and estate jewelry pavilions; MJSA jewelry Feb. 4-Feb. 9, 2009 Tucson Convention Center — Main entrance on S. Granada Ave.; 260 S. Church St.; (520) 791-4266.
Gem & Lapidary Dealers Association (GLDA) What: Gemstones, diamonds, Feb. 3-Feb. 8, 2009 Starr Pass Marriott Resort & Spa — Four Miles West of I-10 & Starr Pass Blvd. (22nd St.); 3800 W. Starr Pass Blvd.; (520) 792-3500.
Gem & Lapidary Wholesalers
Manufactured jewelry, Jan. 31-Feb. 13, 2009 (Gem Mall & Rodeway); Feb. 5-Feb. 13, 2009 (Holidome) Gem Mall — I-10 at Palo Verde Rd.; 4475 S. Country Club Rd. Holiday Inn/Holidome — I-10 Quality Inn (Grant Rd.) — I-10 at W. Grant Rd.; 1365 W. Grant Rd.; (520) 622-7791.
GJX Gem & Jewelry Show
Gems, gem carvings, designer and fashion jewelry Feb. 4-9, 2009 Gem & Jewelry Exchange — Main entrance on S. Granada Ave.; 198 S. Granada Ave.
To see more listings, please click here
AKS Gem Shows - Howard JohnsonWhat: Jewelry, silver, minerals, gemstones, lapidary, metaphysical objects/art, beads Jan. 31-Feb. 14, 2009 Howard Johnson — I-10 & Starr Pass Blvd.; 1010 S. Freeway Ave.; (520) 622-5871.
American Gem Trade Association (AGTA)What: Primarily high-end loose colored gemstones and pearls, with some finished jewelry; designer jewelry section; colored diamond and estate jewelry pavilions; MJSA jewelry Feb. 4-Feb. 9, 2009 Tucson Convention Center — Main entrance on S. Granada Ave.; 260 S. Church St.; (520) 791-4266.
Gem & Lapidary Dealers Association (GLDA) What: Gemstones, diamonds, Feb. 3-Feb. 8, 2009 Starr Pass Marriott Resort & Spa — Four Miles West of I-10 & Starr Pass Blvd. (22nd St.); 3800 W. Starr Pass Blvd.; (520) 792-3500.
Gem & Lapidary Wholesalers
Manufactured jewelry, Jan. 31-Feb. 13, 2009 (Gem Mall & Rodeway); Feb. 5-Feb. 13, 2009 (Holidome) Gem Mall — I-10 at Palo Verde Rd.; 4475 S. Country Club Rd. Holiday Inn/Holidome — I-10 Quality Inn (Grant Rd.) — I-10 at W. Grant Rd.; 1365 W. Grant Rd.; (520) 622-7791.
GJX Gem & Jewelry Show
Gems, gem carvings, designer and fashion jewelry Feb. 4-9, 2009 Gem & Jewelry Exchange — Main entrance on S. Granada Ave.; 198 S. Granada Ave.
To see more listings, please click here
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Rose Bowl Flea Market
Welcome to the World's most unusual Flea Market the shopping place of the Stars. Featuring over 2,500 vendors and 20,000 buyers every Month. The Rose Bowl Flea market is one of the most famous markets in the World. Celebrating over 40 years of continued success at the world famous Rose Bowl in Pasadena California. If you come to shop or just browse you will truly enjoy the experience
Boasting more than 2,500 vendors and a customer base that includes a roster of Hollywood stars, the Rose Bowl Flea Market has continued to attract serious collectors, bargain hunters and novice shoppers to one of the world’s greatest outdoor marketplaces for the past 39 years. Guaranteed to have something for everyone, vendors come stocked every second Sunday of the month with vintage items, home furnishings, hand-made crafts and collectable pieces. Thousands flock to the West’s best treasure hunt to peruse the wares and negotiate prices, come rain or shine. Read more about the Rose Bowl Flea Market
Rose Bowl Flea Market and Market Place regular admission starts at 9am for the general public at $8.00 per person, children under 12 are admitted free with an adult. We also have an express admission from 8:00am - 9:00am at $10.00 per person, an early admission from 7:00am - 8:00am at $15.00 per person, and a special preview VIP admission from 5:00am - 7:00am at $20.00 per person. All vendors are not all moved in and set up until 9am. The box office is open until 3pm after which time sellers begin packing and leaving. The public may shop for those last minute bargains until 4:30pm. FREE PARKING. SORRY NO PETS ALLOWED
I'd like to wish you all a nice, happy, peaceful New Year and I hope that the economy can regain some sanity.
Take a look at our Starving Vendors website where we have loads of show information just a click away. We have sold at over 500 events through the years and I would like to share a lot of information with you about them. I have many reviews of this past years' events and I have pages dedicated to European Festivals, Philippine Festivals, California, Oregon, Arizona and a lot more. Learn about what it's truly like to be a vendor at these events, especially at a time when th economy has hit rock bottom. Thank you very much and have fun at the festivals AND/OR if you are a vendor, I hope you make some good money!
Take a look at our Starving Vendors website where we have loads of show information just a click away. We have sold at over 500 events through the years and I would like to share a lot of information with you about them. I have many reviews of this past years' events and I have pages dedicated to European Festivals, Philippine Festivals, California, Oregon, Arizona and a lot more. Learn about what it's truly like to be a vendor at these events, especially at a time when th economy has hit rock bottom. Thank you very much and have fun at the festivals AND/OR if you are a vendor, I hope you make some good money!
Held on February 28 and March 1 at Fort Mason Center, 99 Marina Blvd, @ Bushannan Street in San Francisco, CA
Saturday 10am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 4pm
Admission: $6.00 (children under 12 free accompanied by adult)
If you like minerals, crystals, geodes, semi-precious jewelry, etc., then you might find a trip to this event enjoyable. We were vendors at this event many times but people came there mostly for the 'rocks' and I would tend to believe much of our merchandise wasn't suitable for this type of event. Many of the dealers do quite well there. You can see some really beautiful amethyst cathedrals there. At one time, we were selling them also, but we were not equipped to be lugging them around in our van and they were quite heavy. You have to be very careful when handling them.Here's a link to the website: http://home.earthlink.net/~sfxtl/
You can find out about future events or if you wish to be a vendor there, you can take care of that.It was enjoyable doing the show and the other vendors were very nice. There was a Safeway across the street where we picked up food occasionally. Nothing to eat over at Fort Mason. We did this event before in November and February and it always seemed to rain on at least one of the days. Our biggest problem was the traffic head down Van Ness over to the Bay Bridge. That was a mess. In some areas, you would have to wait for 3 light changes before you could snake your way through the intersection. Probably be quicker to head over to the Golden Gate bridge, go to San Rafael and take the Richmond bridge and 580 over to 880.Off topic: If you ever attend this event, drop over to Mike, who is set up there to give massages and and he does a good job. Whenever we did this event, both my wife and I always stopped by his space for one. Prices are reasonable.
Saturday 10am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 4pm
Admission: $6.00 (children under 12 free accompanied by adult)
If you like minerals, crystals, geodes, semi-precious jewelry, etc., then you might find a trip to this event enjoyable. We were vendors at this event many times but people came there mostly for the 'rocks' and I would tend to believe much of our merchandise wasn't suitable for this type of event. Many of the dealers do quite well there. You can see some really beautiful amethyst cathedrals there. At one time, we were selling them also, but we were not equipped to be lugging them around in our van and they were quite heavy. You have to be very careful when handling them.Here's a link to the website: http://home.earthlink.net/~sfxtl/
You can find out about future events or if you wish to be a vendor there, you can take care of that.It was enjoyable doing the show and the other vendors were very nice. There was a Safeway across the street where we picked up food occasionally. Nothing to eat over at Fort Mason. We did this event before in November and February and it always seemed to rain on at least one of the days. Our biggest problem was the traffic head down Van Ness over to the Bay Bridge. That was a mess. In some areas, you would have to wait for 3 light changes before you could snake your way through the intersection. Probably be quicker to head over to the Golden Gate bridge, go to San Rafael and take the Richmond bridge and 580 over to 880.Off topic: If you ever attend this event, drop over to Mike, who is set up there to give massages and and he does a good job. Whenever we did this event, both my wife and I always stopped by his space for one. Prices are reasonable.
Holtville Carrot Festival
WHAT'S UP, DOC? The 62nd Holtville Carrot Festival Saturday & Sunday, February 7th & 8th, 2009 is what's up.
Vendor application website- Holtville Chamber of Commerce Holtville Business License is required - $12.00 Arts and Crafts $50 one day, $75 for two days; Commercial crafts $75/$100.
The week-long Holtville Carrot Festival is held every year in February. The festival includes a golf tournament, carrot cooking contest, arts & crafts fair, carnival rides and the Carrot Festival Parade. Click here to download schedule of events for the upcoming 2009
Vendor application website- Holtville Chamber of Commerce Holtville Business License is required - $12.00 Arts and Crafts $50 one day, $75 for two days; Commercial crafts $75/$100.
The week-long Holtville Carrot Festival is held every year in February. The festival includes a golf tournament, carrot cooking contest, arts & crafts fair, carnival rides and the Carrot Festival Parade. Click here to download schedule of events for the upcoming 2009
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