Saturday, December 27, 2008

Festivals of Texas

I just found a nicely designed website that lists events in Texas. It's called Festivals of Texas and breaks down into five areas of the state....North, East, Central, South and West. Describes event and provides contact numbers.

Good site if you are either a vendor or are looking for festivals in your area.Some of the shows included are: 12th ANNUAL SPRINGFEST WINE, ART & FOOD FESTIVAL, ROCKPORT’S CLAY EXPO, 63rd ANNUAL ST. PATRICK’S DAY CELEBRATION (in Shamrock), LUBBOCK ARTS FESTIVAL, OILMAN’S CHILI COOK-OFF, 37th ANNUAL REDBUD FESTIVAL and a lot more.The have a page entitled 'searching for vendors' which comes in handy.

There are parts of the website under construction and I am sure that those sections will be every bit as impressive as the other area. Very nicely done.

For shows in California, please stop by my website for reviews, listings and loads of info on events we have done.

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